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Ahora, descubra sus fortalezas / Marcus Buckingham y Donald O. Clifton ; traducción, Adriana de Hassan.

Por: Buckingham, Marcus.
Colaborador(es): Clifton, Donald O.
Tipo de material: materialTypeLabelLibroEditor: Bogotá ; Miami : Grupo Editorial Norma, c2001Descripción: 359 p. ; 23 cm.ISBN: 9789580462354 (pbk.); 9580462356.Otro título: Descubra sus fortalezas.Títulos uniformes: Now, discover your strengths. Spanish Tema(s): Employee motivation | Ability -- Testing | Management | Motivation (Psychology) | Ability -- Testing | Spanish language | ManagementClasificación CDD: 650.14 Resumen: Argues that most people spend too much time trying to fix their weaknesses rather than concentrating on their strengths, shows how to identify personal strengths using the Internet-based StrengthsFinder Profile, and explains how to draw upon those strengths for personal development, as well as management and organizational success.
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