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Foods of the Maya : a taste of the Yucatan / Nancy & Jeffrey Gerlach.

Por: Gerlach, Nancy.
Colaborador(es): Gerlach, Jeffrey.
Tipo de material: materialTypeLabelLibroEditor: Freedom, Calif. : Crossing Press, c1994Descripción: 110, [7] p. : ill. ; 23 cm.ISBN: 0895946750; 0895946742 (pbk.) :.Tema(s): Maya cookery | Cookery, Mexican | Mayas -- Food | Mexican cooking | Yucatán (Mexico : State) -- Description and travel | Yucatán (Mexico : State) -- Description and TravelClasificación CDD: 641.59/2974 Resumen: A collection of recipes from Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, with historical and cultural information on the region.
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