Nöstlinger, Christine.

Nuevas historias de Franz en la escuela / : Cuaderno de actividades / = New stories of Franz in school. Christine Nöstlinger ; traducción de Federico Schopf ; ilustraciones de Erhard Dietl. - Barcelona ; Miami [Fla.] : Grupo Editorial Norma, c1990. - 58 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. - Colección Torre de papel. Roja . - Colección Torre de papel. Roja. .

Translation of: Neueschulgeschichten vom Franz.

Franz doesn't exactly fit in at school and always seems to run into problems, but he finds clever solutions to them.

3-6 Follett Library Resources. 3-6.

Text in Spanish.

9789580410133 9580410135

Spanish language materials.
School stories.
Spanish language.


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