Karwoski, Gail, 1949-

Seaman : the dog who explored the West with Lewis & Clark / Gail Langer Karwoski ; [text illustrations by James Watling]. - Atlanta, Ga. : Peachtree, c2002. - 187 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm. - A Peachtree junior publication . - A Peachtree junior publication .

Seaman, the Newfoundland dog belonging to Meriwether Lewis, proves his value as a hunter, navigator, and protector while accompanying the Corps of Discovery, led by his master and William Clark, on its two-year journey exploring the western territories.

800 Lexile

1561452769 (hardcover) 1561451908 (pbk.)


Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806)--Juvenile fiction.
Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806)--Fiction.

Seaman (Dog)--Juvenile fiction.
Seaman (Dog)--Fiction.
Newfoundland dog--Fiction.

West (U.S.)--Discovery and exploration--Fiction.

PZ7.K153 / Se 2002


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