Capeci, Anne.

Watch out! : the daring disasters of Ethan Flask and Professor von Offel / by Anne Capeci ; creative development by Gordon Korman. - New York : Scholastic, c2000. - vii, 99 p. : geneal. tables ; 20 cm. - Mad science . - Mad science .

"RL4"--Cover p. [4]. "008-012"--Cover p. [4].

Ethan Flask is teaching his sixth-grade science class about natural disasters, and Professor von Offel is trying to create one.

5.6 Follett Library Resources 3-6 Follett Library Resources 3-6 680 Lexile

0439207266 (pbk.) 0329298860


Natural disasters--Fiction.
School stories.
Natural disasters--Fiction.

PZ7.C17363 / Wat 2000


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