Joly, Fanny.
Quién le teme a la tempestad? / = Who's afraid of the storm?. Fanny Joly ; ilustraciones de Jean-Nöel Rochut. - 1a. ed. en Panamericana Editorial Ltda. - Bogotá D.C., Colombia : Panamericana Editorial, 2008. - 35 p. : col. ill. ; 19 cm.
Translation of: Qui a peur de l'orage?.
A young girl is frightened by a storm while lying in bed and searches for a place to hide.
K-3 Follett Library Resources K-3
Text in Spanish.
9789583023675 (pbk.) 9583023671
Fear--Juvenile fiction.
Thunderstorms--Juvenile fiction.
Spanish language materials.
Spanish language.
Quién le teme a la tempestad? / = Who's afraid of the storm?. Fanny Joly ; ilustraciones de Jean-Nöel Rochut. - 1a. ed. en Panamericana Editorial Ltda. - Bogotá D.C., Colombia : Panamericana Editorial, 2008. - 35 p. : col. ill. ; 19 cm.
Translation of: Qui a peur de l'orage?.
A young girl is frightened by a storm while lying in bed and searches for a place to hide.
K-3 Follett Library Resources K-3
Text in Spanish.
9789583023675 (pbk.) 9583023671
Fear--Juvenile fiction.
Thunderstorms--Juvenile fiction.
Spanish language materials.
Spanish language.