Verne, Jules, 1828-1905.
Los quinientos millones de la Begun / = Begum's millions. Jules Verne ; prólogo y traducción de Miguel Salabert. - 1a. ed. en Biblioteca temática. - Madrid : Alianza Editorial, 2005. - 269 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. - Libro de bolsillo. Biblioteca juvenil Libro de bolsillo. Biblioteca temática . - Libro de bolsillo. Biblioteca juvenil Libro de bolsillo. Biblioteca temática .
Translation of: Les cinq-cents millions de la Bégum. "BT 8073"--Spine.
Includes bibliographical references.
Multicultural Review
Jules Verne's classic novel about a French and a German scientist, who inherit equal portions of a rajah's fortune, and spend it in two different ways--one for good and one for evil.
Young Adult Follett Library Resources Young Adult
Text in Spanish.
9788420659237 8420659231
Good and evil--Fiction.
Good and evil--Fiction.
Spanish language.
Science fiction.
843/.8 [Fic]
Los quinientos millones de la Begun / = Begum's millions. Jules Verne ; prólogo y traducción de Miguel Salabert. - 1a. ed. en Biblioteca temática. - Madrid : Alianza Editorial, 2005. - 269 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. - Libro de bolsillo. Biblioteca juvenil Libro de bolsillo. Biblioteca temática . - Libro de bolsillo. Biblioteca juvenil Libro de bolsillo. Biblioteca temática .
Translation of: Les cinq-cents millions de la Bégum. "BT 8073"--Spine.
Includes bibliographical references.
Multicultural Review
Jules Verne's classic novel about a French and a German scientist, who inherit equal portions of a rajah's fortune, and spend it in two different ways--one for good and one for evil.
Young Adult Follett Library Resources Young Adult
Text in Spanish.
9788420659237 8420659231
Good and evil--Fiction.
Good and evil--Fiction.
Spanish language.
Science fiction.
843/.8 [Fic]