Konicek-Moran, Richard.

Everyday Earth and space science mysteries : stories for inquiry-based science teaching / by Richard Konicek-Moran. - Arlington, VA : NSTA Press, National Science Teachers Association, [2013] - xvi, 232 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.

Bureche Teacher Resource Library.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Presents everyday questions such as "Where to puddles go?" to motivate students to learn through hands-on science investigations.

Professional Follett Library Resources. Professional.

9781936959280 (pbk.) 1936959283


Geology--Study and teaching.
Space sciences--Study and teaching.
Storytelling in education.
Inquiry-based learning.
Induction (Logic) in children.
Geology--Study and teaching.
Space sciences--Study and teaching.
Learning and scholarship.

GE40 / .K655 2013


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