Grossmann-Hensel, Katharina.
Cómo se enamoraron mamá y papá / = How mommy met daddy. textos e ilustraciones de Katharina Grossmann-Hensel ; [traducción, Olga Martín]. - 1a. ed. - Bogotá, Colombia : Geupo Editorial Norma, 2008. - [24] p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm. - Buenas noches . - Buenas noches .
Translation of: Wie Mama und Papa Verliebte wurden.
Explains how a messy girl who loves bright colors and a very neat boy who loves everything black and white grow up, meet, and fall in love.
K-3 Follett Library Resources K-3
Text in Spanish.
9789584506290 (pbk.) 9584506293
Parents--Juvenile fiction.
Spanish language materials.
Spanish language.
Cómo se enamoraron mamá y papá / = How mommy met daddy. textos e ilustraciones de Katharina Grossmann-Hensel ; [traducción, Olga Martín]. - 1a. ed. - Bogotá, Colombia : Geupo Editorial Norma, 2008. - [24] p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm. - Buenas noches . - Buenas noches .
Translation of: Wie Mama und Papa Verliebte wurden.
Explains how a messy girl who loves bright colors and a very neat boy who loves everything black and white grow up, meet, and fall in love.
K-3 Follett Library Resources K-3
Text in Spanish.
9789584506290 (pbk.) 9584506293
Parents--Juvenile fiction.
Spanish language materials.
Spanish language.