Norac, Carl.

Mi abuela es una estrella / Carl Norac ; [ilustraciones] Ingrid Godon. - 1a. ed. - Bogotá, Colombia ; Miami : Grupo Editorial Norma, 2009, c2008. - [26] p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm. - Buenas noches . - Buenas noches. .

Translation of: My grandma is a star.

A small boy discusses what his grandmother means to him and describes the wonderful things she can be, such as a spaceship pilot, a secret agent, and a clown.

K-3 Follett Library Resources K-3

Text in Spanish.

9789584516718 (pbk.) 958451671X

Grandmothers--Juvenile fiction.
Grandparent and child--Juvenile fiction.
Spanish language materials.
Grandparent and child--Fiction.
Spanish language.
Grandparent-grandchild relationship--Fiction.

Picture books for children.


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