Stine, R. L.
Sangre de monstruo al desayuno / R.L. Stine ; [translated by Ana Galán]. - New York : Scholastic, c2010. - 142 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. - Escalofríos Horrorlandia ; 3 . - Stine, R. L. Spanish ; Goosebumps HorrorLand. no. 3. .
Translation of: Monster blood for breakfast!
Sangre de monstruo al desayuno -- Bienvenido a Horrorlandia -- Archivo del miedo.
Matt Daniels, an athlete who appreciates the value of a good breakfast, falls for a prank that leaves him inside a horrifying scream park.
5-8 Follett Library Resources 5-8
Text in Spanish.
9780545158855 (pbk.) 9780329768850 (Follett bdg.) 0545158850 0329768859
Practical jokes--Juvenile fiction.
Amusement parks--Juvenile fiction.
Practical jokes--Fiction.
Amusement parks--Fiction.
Spanish language materials.
Horror stories.
Practical jokes--Fiction.
Amusement parks--Fiction.
Spanish language.
Horror fiction.
Horror fiction.
Sangre de monstruo al desayuno / R.L. Stine ; [translated by Ana Galán]. - New York : Scholastic, c2010. - 142 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. - Escalofríos Horrorlandia ; 3 . - Stine, R. L. Spanish ; Goosebumps HorrorLand. no. 3. .
Translation of: Monster blood for breakfast!
Sangre de monstruo al desayuno -- Bienvenido a Horrorlandia -- Archivo del miedo.
Matt Daniels, an athlete who appreciates the value of a good breakfast, falls for a prank that leaves him inside a horrifying scream park.
5-8 Follett Library Resources 5-8
Text in Spanish.
9780545158855 (pbk.) 9780329768850 (Follett bdg.) 0545158850 0329768859
Practical jokes--Juvenile fiction.
Amusement parks--Juvenile fiction.
Practical jokes--Fiction.
Amusement parks--Fiction.
Spanish language materials.
Horror stories.
Practical jokes--Fiction.
Amusement parks--Fiction.
Spanish language.
Horror fiction.
Horror fiction.