Creech, Sharon.
Love that dog / Sharon Creech. - 1st Harper Trophy ed. - New York : HarperTrophy, 2003, c2001. - 86 p. ; 20 cm.
"Joanna Cotler Books."
Wilson's Children Wilson's Junior High School School Library Journal starred
A young student, who comes to love poetry through a personal understanding of what different famous poems mean to him, surprises himself by writing his own inspired poem.
4.1 Follett Library Resources 3-6 Follett Library Resources 3-6 1010 Lexile
0064409597 (lib. bdg.) 9780064409599 0329312863 9780329312862 1404666559 9781404666559
PZ7.C8615 / Lo 2003
Love that dog / Sharon Creech. - 1st Harper Trophy ed. - New York : HarperTrophy, 2003, c2001. - 86 p. ; 20 cm.
"Joanna Cotler Books."
Wilson's Children Wilson's Junior High School School Library Journal starred
A young student, who comes to love poetry through a personal understanding of what different famous poems mean to him, surprises himself by writing his own inspired poem.
4.1 Follett Library Resources 3-6 Follett Library Resources 3-6 1010 Lexile
0064409597 (lib. bdg.) 9780064409599 0329312863 9780329312862 1404666559 9781404666559
PZ7.C8615 / Lo 2003