Charles, François.

Aventuras de dos amigos en las Filipinas / = Adventures of two friends in the Philippines. François Charles ; traducción de Clara de Baquero ; ilustraciones de Patricia Amara. - Ed. en español. - Bogotá, Colombia : Grupo Editorial Norma, c1993. - 172 p. : ill., map ; 19 cm. - Colección Torre de papel. Amarilla . - Colección Torre de papel. Amarilla. .

Translation of: Saturnino.

Saturnino de la Cruz travels to the Philippines to help the father who abandoned him, prompting his friend, Silvio Pommier, to follow him in an effort to rescue him from the dangers in which he becomes immersed.

5-8 Follett Library Resources. 5-8.

Text in Spanish.


Voyages and travels--Fiction.
Spanish language materials.
Fathers and sons--Fiction.
Voyages and travels--Fiction.
Spanish language.
Father-son relationship--Fiction.



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